
College of Business and Economics

Write a Review

Accreditation: Ministry of Education, Eritrea
Type: Public
Established: 2004
Grading system
Maekel Region


Vibrante and inclusive

It a great learning environment withhelpful & able lecturers. However the unfairly negative and grossly exaggerated review shown here by one individual is actually part and parcel of a concerted and deliberate smear campaign. Best way to check on facts about the college is to pay a visit and see it for yourself. Unfortunately, Eritrea has long been a victim of negative propaganda and smear campaign targeting its image mainly by the agents of the former ethnic-fascist TPLF regime in Ethiopia & its neo colonial masters at their disposals..... Come and see for yourself.....

I would recommend to a friend!

It worst college in the contury next to hamelmalo

It's worst college in the contury,you cannot have to exchange ideas

I would NOT recommend to a friend.


The teachers would spit on me everyday and steal my money. I felt horrible and had to leave Eritrea to come to England. I now attend the University of Manchester and I absolutely love it!

I would NOT recommend to a friend.

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