Education System in Azerbaijan

Primary Education

School education in Azerbaijan is fairly elementary by western standards and is still struggling to come to terms with a combination of religious influence and the ashes of the old Soviet order. It is compulsory between ages 6 and 15, and begins with 4 years of primary school through to age 10.

Middle Education

Five years of basic education follow through to age 15 when the compulsory period ends. A person fortunate to have that level of schooling would have to go straight on to work.

Secondary Education

There are 2 choices open to secondary school students. They may study for 2 more years at general secondary school and obtain their certificates of complete secondary education. Or they may go on technical secondary school instead, specialize, and be awarded a certificate of complete secondary specialized education.

Vocational Education

The Education Ministry oversees a network of vocational schools and lyceums. Several vocational institutes train engineers and scientists for the geological and petrochemical sectors.

Tertiary Education

Azerbaijan EducationThere are several types of state and private tertiary institutions in Azerbaijan, namely universities, academies, institutes, colleges and conservatoires. Their right of autonomy is protected, however the standards that they must meet are prescribed.

The oldest establishment is Baku State University created in 1919. Today it has 16 faculties, and has produced several of the nation’s leaders. Notwithstanding this, it is only ranked 1,961st best in the world.

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