Education System in Greece

Primary Education

Education through to completion of secondary school is compulsory and state schools are funded by the ministry of education and religious affairs. The school year extends from mid-september to mid-june. Advancing through each of six years in primaryDimotiká school is automatic although remedial supplementary teaching is provided. The curriculum includes a core of 11 modules with 6 additional optional ones.

Middle Education

Three years of middle gymnasio school follow continuing with similar subjects. During this period, teachers, pupils and their parents decide which course of study to follow at secondary school. This important period may set the direction of their careers throughout the rest of life.

Secondary Education

Secondary school students have a choice of two education streams. One is called lykeio and is similar to any western academically orientated high school. Vocational education on the other hand is more practically structured as befits young people with that view on life.

Vocational Education

The national center for vocational education coordinates and moderates post-school vocational training through a variety of private vocational colleges. This is supplementary to skills obtained in the alternate stream at secondary school.

Tertiary Education

Greek EducationGreece has a proud tradition of education that goes back over 2,000 years. Today, this is expressed through parallel tertiary higher technological education institutions, and universities. In addition to this, approved colleges may offer tuition on behalf of foreign universities. 

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Athens University) and the Athens Polytechnic were founded in 1837 and 1836 respectively. The university is depicted opposite.

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