Education System in Guinea-Bissau

Primary Education

Education in the West African country of Guinea-Bissau is compulsory from age 7 to 14, although barely 55% of children attend the basic level, and just 25% complete the complementary 2 years that follow. As a result of this adult illiteracy remains high especially among the women.

Secondary Education

Students with promising basic school results may attend secondary school for a further 5 years. Unfortunately, there are few facilities in remote rural areas where teachers may be poorly trained too. As a result, the education system largely fails to deliver to those whom it most desperately needs to serve.

Tertiary Education

In addition to schools of teacher, nursing and vocational training, there are 2 universities both established in 2003 and based in Bissau. The Amilcar Cabral University has been suspended by the government for financial mismanagement.  Little information is available regarding the academic programs of the University of Colinas de Boe, which awards bachalerato degrees after 3 years of study, and licenciaturas after 5.

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