Education System in Moldova

Primary Education

In Moldova, a landlocked Baltic state bordering on Romania to the west, progress is being made to returning the standard of education to what is once was. This is now compulsory from ages 6 to 17, and begins at primary school from ages 6 to 10.

Middle Education

Lower secondary school completes the preparatory stage for the following 3 years. Here students complete their common curriculum of traditional academic subjects as their aptitudes and likely career outcomes become clearer.

Secondary Education

Students continuing with purely academic education complete their final 2 to 3 years at either scola media or lyceums. In the latter instance at around age 18 they may qualify to apply to go on to tertiary education armed with a diploma bacalaureat.

Vocational Education

Alternatively, they may attend a school of trades for year 12 after completing scola media. Or they may spend grades 10 to 12 at a vocational school, following which they will be free to study at tertiary level, even though they did not receive a diploma bacalaureat this time.

In December 2010, the Republic of Moldova announced an initiative to create a sustainable framework for improved vocational training especially in the rural areas, and thereby stimulate economic growth substantially.

Tertiary Education

Moldova EducationThere are two kinds of tertiary education in Moldova. Colleges offer higher technical / vocational training in a wide range of occupations and their programs typically last between 2 to 3 years. Some lead to qualifications at undergraduate level too.

There are also a number of private and state-funded universities, of which Moldova State University established in 1946 is arguably the most impressive. It has 11 faculties, and has even been featured on a national postage stamp. Its standards are continuously improving, and it is to be hoped that it will continue underpinning this emerging nation's future.

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